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Town/city/borough Glasgow, Cessnock, Govan, Partick
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Georges in a nutshell
I have tutored privately and through my previous school back in London. I love Maths, Physics and Computer Science. I like to work on the basics first to build on confidence, especially when it comes to maths. I believe that this is a highly underrated fundamental which is often taken away by teachers which in return renders the course scary. Then I would go into attacking the weaker areas of the...
I have tutored privately and through my previous school back in London. I love Maths, Physics and Computer Science. I like to work on the basics first to build on confidence, especially when it comes to maths. I believe that this is a highly underrated fundamental which is often taken away by teachers which in return renders the course scary. Then I would go into attacking the weaker areas of the student's knowledge where they can try out their newly regained confidence. This in return further enhances confidence and leaves them much happier with what they already know and how to apply it.
Otherwise I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics at the University of Glasgow. This is my first time in Glasgow and am absolutely loving it!
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