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George in a nutshell
My teaching style is effectively a one on one lecture with conversational discussion to deepen understanding of challenging concepts. I will introduce ideas generally, then run through examples with reminders as to why we are doing each step in the example.

Showing methods with examples will help students learn methods and understand what each step they have to do actually means.

Each week, I w...
My teaching style is effectively a one on one lecture with conversational discussion to deepen understanding of challenging concepts. I will introduce ideas generally, then run through examples with reminders as to why we are doing each step in the example.

Showing methods with examples will help students learn methods and understand what each step they have to do actually means.

Each week, I will set a set of problems of varying difficulty for the covered topics. These homework will be used to evaluate understanding and will help allocate more or less time to a topic.

After covering all concepts, I will test understanding by having a "live examination". This will involve the student being presented with unseen problems to test understanding. This will give them a relevant grade that they might expect to receive for their real exams.
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