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Town/city/borough Antrim
verified Verified data time 5 years teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
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Gauri in a nutshell
I would like to teach through some visual aid so that it is appealing to kids and they can find the content engaging. I have fair amount of experience in training and coaching my colleagues so giving teaching lessons to my students would be comparatively easy.

I would assist students with their daily activities and give them interesting exercises so that they can recall easily whatever they had...
I would like to teach through some visual aid so that it is appealing to kids and they can find the content engaging. I have fair amount of experience in training and coaching my colleagues so giving teaching lessons to my students would be comparatively easy.

I would assist students with their daily activities and give them interesting exercises so that they can recall easily whatever they had learnt the previous day and thus can find it much better to learn new things. I’d like to involve students with various activities so that they don’t feel burdened with academics and can easily engage in the lessons.

Would also provide any additional help that they would require with their schoolwork or an assignment that they find difficult to complete. I would like to hear how I can help them and take feedback from them from time to time to understand where they are at and how I can assist them to reach desired goals. I would also help them to understand how academics is related to day to day life so that it is easier for them to take their assessments head on and also I’d like to use PowerPoint presentation as a part of content delivery so that students get a better idea of what I’m trying to teach and what is my thought process as well as what I have planned for them throughout the day.

Students are welcome to ask any doubts at the end of each session and be assured that they will be addressed
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