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Town/city/borough London, Abbey Wood, North Woolwich, Plumstead (Greater ), Thamesmead, Woolwich, Eltham, Kidbrooke, Mottingham, New Eltham, Welling
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Gabrielle in a nutshell
Through self study I achieved all 9s in triple science and have gone onto sitting A-levels this summer in Biology and Chemistry with predictions of A*/A. With offers from Imperial and UCL for medicine, you can definitely say I'm passionate about science and would love to show other students that it doesn't have to be a daunting subject. A big thing I like to focus on is understanding when tacklin...
Through self study I achieved all 9s in triple science and have gone onto sitting A-levels this summer in Biology and Chemistry with predictions of A*/A. With offers from Imperial and UCL for medicine, you can definitely say I'm passionate about science and would love to show other students that it doesn't have to be a daunting subject. A big thing I like to focus on is understanding when tackling topics, and not just how things work but why, true understanding is difficult to grasp if you don't understand why certain things happen which then makes remembering more difficult. Looking at concepts slightly outside the spec allows students excel in application based questions which are prevalent in the style of examinations that GCSE and GCE's follow. To really understand different processes and concepts in science I personally love to create analogies that allow students to connect the concept to something they are more familiar with, and this is something I still did during my A-levels and helped many I mentored as well. In addition to understanding the content, I also like to emphasise understanding the exam itself and what they want from you, mark schemes can be specific and vary for each exam board in terms of terminology they expect, so completing past exam papers is a crucial thing I like to incorporate, not just independently but also in a 'walking talking mock' style, where I go through each question and explain how I would tackle it and what my thought process would be when I read the question, and this can help students a lot as it provides a different perspective of the questions that maybe they hadn't thought about, and with practice they will also be able to thing about questions holistically.
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