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Femi Thaddaeus
Femi Thaddaeus
Town/city/borough Northampton, Boughton (shire), Dallington, Great Houghton (shire), Hardingstone, Kingsthorpe
verified Verified data time More than 10 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Femi Thaddaeus in a nutshell
I am a seasoned experienced teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience, who loves dealing with children and wants to positively impact others’ lives.
I show my students that science and mathematics are discursive activities through classes that offer plenty of opportunities for interaction.
I stress equal participation from all students enrolled in my classes and I strive to make all of m...
I am a seasoned experienced teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience, who loves dealing with children and wants to positively impact others’ lives.
I show my students that science and mathematics are discursive activities through classes that offer plenty of opportunities for interaction.
I stress equal participation from all students enrolled in my classes and I strive to make all of my students feel that they are welcome to contribute their thoughts, questions, and answers to the in-class discussions.
To set the scientific or mathematical tone for the class, I frequently have problems on the board that either require students to recall material from previous teachings, motivate the topic to be covered during the day’s class or both. Since the problems often review concepts from the previous teaching, they are a low-stress opportunity for students to present their work on the board or worksheet. Not only is sharing solution strategies a great way for students to solidify their understanding of the material, but it also provides students with a chance to practice communicating their ideas and receive feedback on their work.
Effective communication with students contributes to a positive student-teacher relationship. It serves as a bridge between the teacher and students and helps the creation of a class environment conducive to learning and achievement.
I believe that the more I connect or communicate with my students, the more likely I will be able to help students. I encourage students to ask questions in class and to provide feedback and critiques of my teaching. I also invite students to my office to discuss any issue that they do not fully understand. When giving lectures, I always try to speak clearly and slowly to make sure that students understand what I am presenting.
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