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Felecia Rowe
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Felecia Rowe
Town/city/borough Purley, Coulsdon, Kenley (Greater London), Sanderstead, Wallington (Greater London), Woodmansterne
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Felecia Rowe in a nutshell
Most of my lessons follow a similar outline or format
1. Introduction and Warm-Up:
The lesson begins with a brief warm-up activity designed to engage the student's interest and assess their prior knowledge. This could include a quick quiz, a fun fact, or a thought-provoking question related to the day’s topic. This helps set the stage for the lesson and allows the tutor to gauge the student’s cu...
Most of my lessons follow a similar outline or format
1. Introduction and Warm-Up:
The lesson begins with a brief warm-up activity designed to engage the student's interest and assess their prior knowledge. This could include a quick quiz, a fun fact, or a thought-provoking question related to the day’s topic. This helps set the stage for the lesson and allows the tutor to gauge the student’s current understanding.
2. Review of Previous Material :
A review of the last session's material ensures continuity and reinforces learning. This can involve a discussion of homework assignments, addressing any lingering questions, and summarizing key concepts. This step is crucial for building a strong foundation and connecting past lessons to new content.
3. Introduction of New Concepts:
The core of the lesson focuses on introducing new scientific concepts. I will use a combination of explanations, visual aids (such as diagrams and videos), and hands-on demonstrations to make the material accessible and engaging. This segment is interactive, encouraging the student to ask questions and actively participate.

4. Guided Practice :
The student then applies the new concepts through guided practice. This can include solving problems, conducting experiments, or completing structured activities under the tutor's supervision. The tutor provides immediate feedback and support, ensuring the student grasps the material and can apply it independently.

5. Independent Practice and Homework:
To reinforce learning, the student engages in independent practice, which may involve additional problem-solving or experiments. I will assign relevant homework to further solidify the concepts covered in the lesson. This practice is designed to challenge the student while still being achievable.

6. Goal Setting and Feedback :
Finally, the student and I would set goals for the next session, discussing areas for improvement and celebrating achievements.
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