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Town/city/borough London, Barking (), Charlton (Greater ), East Ham, North Woolwich, Plumstead (Greater ), Woolwich
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Fazna in a nutshell
With years of experience in IT and education, I am passionate about teaching IT, programming, math, and computer science. My approach is structured and student-centered, focusing on engagement and practical application.
- Personalized lesson plans tailored to each student's needs.
- Interactive tools and multimedia for engaging learning.
- Hands-on projects and real-world scenarios for practical...
With years of experience in IT and education, I am passionate about teaching IT, programming, math, and computer science. My approach is structured and student-centered, focusing on engagement and practical application.
- Personalized lesson plans tailored to each student's needs.
- Interactive tools and multimedia for engaging learning.
- Hands-on projects and real-world scenarios for practical experience.
- Regular assessments and feedback to track progress.
- Supportive environment to encourage comfort and motivation.
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