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Town/city/borough Croydon London, Carshalton, Croydon (London), Hackbridge, Mitcham, Thornton Heath, Wallington (Greater London), Morden, Purley, Wimbledon
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Fayyaz in a nutshell
!-on-1 lessons, more often than not centred around a past paper or past paper question, though I would also be willing to take on lessons concerning the coursework. I believe this approach would help build habits that would be useful in the actual exam, as well as helping with understanding why one essay might be good and another might be bad. A slow, methodical and guided approach to answering q...
!-on-1 lessons, more often than not centred around a past paper or past paper question, though I would also be willing to take on lessons concerning the coursework. I believe this approach would help build habits that would be useful in the actual exam, as well as helping with understanding why one essay might be good and another might be bad. A slow, methodical and guided approach to answering questions would make sure to touch on all aspects and assessment objectives of the subject hopefully achieving a high understanding of the subject matter and the ability to reproduce good results from tuition in the classroom.
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