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Farjana in a nutshell
My tutoring course is designed to empower you to help yourself, alongside aiding you with the content material itself.

I've developed a general tutoring plan that has worked great for students in the past and is very personalised - our first meeting will require a lot of information from you regarding what content we should be focusing on.

Using this information, we will work together to help...
My tutoring course is designed to empower you to help yourself, alongside aiding you with the content material itself.

I've developed a general tutoring plan that has worked great for students in the past and is very personalised - our first meeting will require a lot of information from you regarding what content we should be focusing on.

Using this information, we will work together to help build you a detailed revision plan to work on outside our tutoring sessions.

I am familiar with the GCSE science curriculum and will design lessons that prioritise the necessary learning required, with each student using a tailored approach of discussion based and problem based teaching. For the most effecient use of our time, topics to work on will be communicated and determined prior to the session itself.
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