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Town/city/borough Haverfordwest
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Secondary school
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Farhan in a nutshell
Lets be honest, at the end of the day you intend to do well in your exams and thats what I am here for. I will teach you concepts of Science and Maths by showing you tips and tricks of how to solve questions. GCSEs are analytic exams and test knowledge, which I have mastered. I prepare worksheets and exercises tailored to the students need, which I love to do. No need for learning to be a boring...
Lets be honest, at the end of the day you intend to do well in your exams and thats what I am here for. I will teach you concepts of Science and Maths by showing you tips and tricks of how to solve questions. GCSEs are analytic exams and test knowledge, which I have mastered. I prepare worksheets and exercises tailored to the students need, which I love to do. No need for learning to be a boring task. I will work with your level of understanding, being well aware that you neccesarily dont need to like or be passionate in a subject to do well. I am realistic and practical in my approach.

I have developed three parts to my teaching,
1) Guaging your understanding of the topic.
2) Teaching the topic effectively with focusing on key points, tips and tricks based on your understanding, and finally progress checks to surprise my students how they end up learning the topic.
3) Progress check and attempting questions specifically topic questions, where students have been surprised in the past how they have been able to successfully handle topic which they dreaded before.

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