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Town/city/borough Manchester, Broughton (City and Borough of Salford), Harpurhey, Newton Heath, Salford, Trafford Park
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Farha in a nutshell
My lessons are established once I've spoken to my potential students and have an understanding about their individual needs and requirements regarding the subject they want tutoring in.
I use both a verbal and written method of teaching and if a syllabus needs adhering too that would definitely be part of my tutoring.
My subjects include English, Maths and Sciences-including Physics, Biology and...
My lessons are established once I've spoken to my potential students and have an understanding about their individual needs and requirements regarding the subject they want tutoring in.
I use both a verbal and written method of teaching and if a syllabus needs adhering too that would definitely be part of my tutoring.
My subjects include English, Maths and Sciences-including Physics, Biology and Chemistry.
I have a Masters and BScHonours in Optometry and Neuroscience.
Also A'levels in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and English Literature & Language.
I'm able to adapt my teaching style to all levels of students. I truly believe in listening to a students needs to ensure my tutoring is not only effective in teaching my students but to allow them to progress easily and smoothly to a positive outcome.
I'm always open to questions, feedback and requests regarding teaching methods.
I do believe learning can but fun and productive too!
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