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Faiza Asif
1st class free
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Faiza Asif
Town/city/borough Nottingham
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Faiza Asif in a nutshell
Welcome to my math lessons! They are designed to be engaging, clear, and interactive, starting with an overview of the topic followed by structured explanations and multimedia aids like diagrams and videos. I encourage questions and discussions to ensure understanding, and we work through practice problems and real-world applications to solidify concepts. Each session concludes with a recap and a...
Welcome to my math lessons! They are designed to be engaging, clear, and interactive, starting with an overview of the topic followed by structured explanations and multimedia aids like diagrams and videos. I encourage questions and discussions to ensure understanding, and we work through practice problems and real-world applications to solidify concepts. Each session concludes with a recap and a Q&A segment to reinforce learning, tailored to meet your individual needs and goals based on my extensive teaching experience.
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