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Town/city/borough Swansea, Dunvant, Gowerton, Killay, Three Crosses, Upper Killay, Waunarlwydd
verified Verified data time More than 10 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Ewen in a nutshell
What I enjoy most about teaching is discovering how other people understand science, and helping them to use their skills to get the grades they want. Everyone thinks differently, has different goals and different experiences. Most of the time students miss out on a mark because of one little thing - fix that 2 % you struggle with and the marks will start reward the 98 % you do well.

I know ever...
What I enjoy most about teaching is discovering how other people understand science, and helping them to use their skills to get the grades they want. Everyone thinks differently, has different goals and different experiences. Most of the time students miss out on a mark because of one little thing - fix that 2 % you struggle with and the marks will start reward the 98 % you do well.

I know everyone think differently from my own experience. I have ASD. I've a lifetime's experience adapting my thinking to other people's, and some fantastic experiences working with people who are also ASD. I don't assume everyone thinks like I do, and I've worked with a lot of people whose way of understanding and explaining things has taught me a lot. I hope I can pass on what I've learned, about science and about how you can approach it in many different ways.

I also know that not everyone gets excited about science. Sure, if it's not your thing then you have my total respect if you still work at it and get the grades you need. On the other hand, if you have science running through your veins and feel embarassed to let everyone know you're a "geek" - let me know! Not everyone rates success on how much attention you get; Some people enjoy their own company, learning new things, puzzling out problems and laying the foundations for later success.
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