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Town/city/borough Bournemouth, Boscombe (Dorset), Moordown
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Evie in a nutshell
I have many exercises, including lots of retrieval. Starting with basics of language, numbers, colour (depending on the level required). This will then include grammar, sentence structures, feminine and masculine. I have many exercise sheets for different levels. And many ways of memorising. I will teach in the way the student prefer and ask them preferences of how they prefer to learn.
I have many exercises, including lots of retrieval. Starting with basics of language, numbers, colour (depending on the level required). This will then include grammar, sentence structures, feminine and masculine. I have many exercise sheets for different levels. And many ways of memorising. I will teach in the way the student prefer and ask them preferences of how they prefer to learn.
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