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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
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Bachelor's Degree (studying): Mathematics
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Eunice in a nutshell
When presenting a new subject to my class, I include a demonstration that is I model as I teach. While some students will be able to grasp a new concept by hearing the information alone, others — particularly visual learners — will need to see it. I understand that some students will need to see more than one example to get a good understanding so I make sure that I include several different dem...
When presenting a new subject to my class, I include a demonstration that is I model as I teach. While some students will be able to grasp a new concept by hearing the information alone, others — particularly visual learners — will need to see it. I understand that some students will need to see more than one example to get a good understanding so I make sure that I include several different demonstrations for each new unit, as repetition is a big part of committing new ideas to memory. A great way of learning is making mistakes and learning from them. In the classroom, I try to make intentional mistakes to educate children that mistakes are part of the process. A great way to do this is to make intentional mistakes and ask the class to fix them. Also, My major teaching strategy is teamwork. I encourage students to work in teams because I believe we learn better when we integrate our different ideas together.Splitting the class up into different teams to complete an assignment is a teaching strategy that works wonders, especially at age groups where students insist on always working with their tight-knit circle of friends. Group assignments encourage teamwork and help my class to succeed. Letting students lead the class in teaching requires preparation and a deep understanding of coursework. I assign this task individually or break up students into groups. The goal of this strategy is to get the students to display the knowledge they have and to share it with their classmates. I possess tutoring experiences within the WAAW Foundation group, organizing public school outreaches to coach students and I have also served under the code ambassadors group, a company for coding tutoring. I coached students in python and MIT App Inventor. I have solid experience in teaching Maths and English as well to little kids. I am also very patient and emotionally intelligent which is a major skill a tutor should have. With my experience and credentials, I am well prepared to dedicate myself to the highest standards of tutoring and exceed your expectations for this position.
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