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Town/city/borough London
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Secondary school
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Esther in a nutshell
Hey! I would love to help you learn English in a way that's simple and not overwhelming. I will provide personalised material for each student ensuring that you can advance in the oral, reading, writing and listening aspects of the language. This is how I plan to teach.

- Students will take a baseline quiz so I can see what level they are at
- Then I will compile a set of materials to test what...
Hey! I would love to help you learn English in a way that's simple and not overwhelming. I will provide personalised material for each student ensuring that you can advance in the oral, reading, writing and listening aspects of the language. This is how I plan to teach.

- Students will take a baseline quiz so I can see what level they are at
- Then I will compile a set of materials to test what is already known at their level
- Lessons will involve listening activities as well as writing activities in order to further their abilities
- Each tense will be taught as well as irregulars forms that may seem difficult at first but will become easier with practise and my lessons
- We will also focus on correct pronunciation to ensure more fluid speech and edge closer to fluency

Drop me a message if you would like to start!
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