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Eric Ameyaw
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Eric Ameyaw
Town/city/borough Sheffield, Burngreave, Ecclesall, Gleadless, Intake
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Eric Ameyaw in a nutshell
I have been a teacher for the last four years, teaching students between the ages of 13-18 years mathematics at the Senior High School. I enjoy teaching these students. I obtained Bachelor degree in mathematics education from the university of winneba. Some of the degree modules were algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, linear algebra, calculus, ordinary differential equations, partial dif...
I have been a teacher for the last four years, teaching students between the ages of 13-18 years mathematics at the Senior High School. I enjoy teaching these students. I obtained Bachelor degree in mathematics education from the university of winneba. Some of the degree modules were algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, linear algebra, calculus, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, vectors and mechanics, methods of teaching mathematics, psychology of learning mathematics, principles and practice of teacher education and many more. My understanding of the UK national curriculum is good as I have compared it to that of my country. They are almost the same in most topics. I see mathematics as an activity based subject and so every student should be involved.
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