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Town/city/borough South Shields, Boldon Colliery, Hebburn, Jarrow, Low Walker, Walker, Willington Quay
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Emily in a nutshell
My lessons are begun by asking you what you struggle with the most, followed by getting to the root of that to discover the true issue you have with certain subject areas. I will use things like practice exam questions; breaking down the answers to each question to discover why the answer is what it is without just telling you thats its the correct answer.
My lessons are begun by asking you what you struggle with the most, followed by getting to the root of that to discover the true issue you have with certain subject areas. I will use things like practice exam questions; breaking down the answers to each question to discover why the answer is what it is without just telling you thats its the correct answer.
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