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Emer in a nutshell
Hello! I am an english graduate with an honours in my creative writing module. I hope to share and aid students and adults in pushing beyond the standard language used in essays and improve articulation, grammar, phonics and adjectives.

In an everyday class, I will assign a very small piece of writing to each individual and in the following class, I would like to give feedback of how to improve...
Hello! I am an english graduate with an honours in my creative writing module. I hope to share and aid students and adults in pushing beyond the standard language used in essays and improve articulation, grammar, phonics and adjectives.

In an everyday class, I will assign a very small piece of writing to each individual and in the following class, I would like to give feedback of how to improve. There will be an exam four weeks after starting the tutoring to ensure that your needs as a student are met and that I am doing my part accurately as your tutor.

I will also be using exercises such as word games, reading excerpts of poems or novels, and allowing each student to run wild with their creative outlet.

I would like to extend a welcome to all ages to attend my writing class and to understand the english language on a much more intimate level.

If you have any questions about the class, do not hesitate to contact me and to start today!
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