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1st class free
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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: Accounting and Finance
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Elliot in a nutshell
In my tutoring sessions, I adopt a personalized and interactive approach, aiming to make mathematics engaging and understandable. I begin by assessing the student's current understanding and identifying any areas of difficulty. This allows me to tailor my lessons specifically to their needs and learning style.

Each session typically includes a brief review of previous material, followed by intro...
In my tutoring sessions, I adopt a personalized and interactive approach, aiming to make mathematics engaging and understandable. I begin by assessing the student's current understanding and identifying any areas of difficulty. This allows me to tailor my lessons specifically to their needs and learning style.

Each session typically includes a brief review of previous material, followed by introducing new concepts and practicing problem-solving techniques. I strive to create a relaxed and open environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and expressing their challenges.

Having obtained an A* in GCSE Mathematics and a degree in Accounting and Finance, I'm well-versed in tackling complex mathematical concepts and explaining them in a simplified manner. I've honed my ability to break down these concepts during my experience as an Under 14s Rugby Coach, where I helped young individuals develop their skills and understanding in a fun, supportive setting.

My ultimate goal is to empower my students with a solid understanding of maths that they can apply beyond our lessons. I'm excited to bring my passion for mathematics and my coaching experience to help your child achieve their academic goals.
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