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verified Verified data time 3 years teaching experience
Level of the lessons
Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree (studying): Spanish and Philosophy
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Elena in a nutshell
I have 3 years of experience tutoring Spanish, as well as other subjects. The format of my lessons will depend on the needs of the individual student.

For example, I offer: lessons for those looking to use Spanish academically or in the workplace, casual conversation practice for those looking to improve their speaking skills for enjoyment, more intense exam preparation for Spanish qualification...
I have 3 years of experience tutoring Spanish, as well as other subjects. The format of my lessons will depend on the needs of the individual student.

For example, I offer: lessons for those looking to use Spanish academically or in the workplace, casual conversation practice for those looking to improve their speaking skills for enjoyment, more intense exam preparation for Spanish qualifications, general help for students struggling with Spanish as a subject at school, etc.

For students looking to raise their Spanish grade I offer lessons for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Firstly, we will improve areas that the student is currently struggling with. Then, we can shift the focus of lessons to expanding the students knowledge and ability in order to allow them to achieve the highest grade they can.

For lessons with a focus on conversation, we can discuss a range of topics about culture, world issues, academics, and more. The structure of these lessons are flexible to accommodate for the student's own personal goals.

For those looking to learn to use Spanish in an academic or work environment, the lessons will focus on the correct use of formal language and an expansion of academic vocabulary. These lessons can include the analysis or translation of academic works, for example.

Depending on your goal for your Spanish, I will tailor the lessons to suit you so that we can maximise your enjoyment and learning. Lesson duration can be chosen by you and I have flexible hours since all lessons will be online.
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