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Egbekuwa Longe
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Egbekuwa Longe
Town/city/borough Lamas
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Egbekuwa Longe in a nutshell
My name is Egbekuwa. I have a Bachelors degree in Business Education, I am a veteran primary school teacher with over 12 years of experience. I’ve been teaching English learners for over 12 years. I have worked with different children from around the world. My background includes teaching students of primary level. In my class, I work with a lot of creativity and positivity. My interest lies in...
My name is Egbekuwa. I have a Bachelors degree in Business Education, I am a veteran primary school teacher with over 12 years of experience. I’ve been teaching English learners for over 12 years. I have worked with different children from around the world. My background includes teaching students of primary level. In my class, I work with a lot of creativity and positivity. My interest lies in several topics which I would love to discuss with all of you, and I’m happy to work with learners from from early years to year 5. While teaching, I also talk about several topics, my classes are always fun and interesting.
I love teaching, and I am very passionate and dedicated. I love to see children learn something new each day and be able to express themselves clearly and be able to apply the knowledge gained in class to their everyday life.
I have all the technological skills a 21st-century educator should possess. I am an advocate of incorporating visual and practical methods into learning.
Whenever you do not see me in the classroom teaching children physically, I am online impacting knowledge on children anywhere in the world. I also carry out a lot of research to see the best and latest teaching methods to teach my students which exposes me to a lot of methods
I love travelling to new places and interacting with people. I also love to take a drive around town, letting my hair down and doing make-up. We would have fun while learning.
I hope to get a positive response from you and meet my prospective students soon.

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