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Town/city/borough Headingley
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Efie in a nutshell
I am recent graduate from University of Leeds with a first class degree in Mathematics, a subject I'm truly passionate about. I have previous Mathematics tutoring experience and currently work in an SEN specialist school. My lessons will be upbeat and engaging, aiming to make the student feel confident in their own ability and work through any worries or confusion they have, breaking things down...
I am recent graduate from University of Leeds with a first class degree in Mathematics, a subject I'm truly passionate about. I have previous Mathematics tutoring experience and currently work in an SEN specialist school. My lessons will be upbeat and engaging, aiming to make the student feel confident in their own ability and work through any worries or confusion they have, breaking things down into comprehendible steps. I'm super friendly and would love to hear from you!

My A Levels were in Mathematics (A*), Further Mathematics (A) and Biology (A) so I am comfortable tutoring at any level up to A-Level.
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