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verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Eesha in a nutshell
My lessons consists of presentations where I explain and show the techniques in how a question should be approached and answered. I then with students make them explain to me how they would approach another question to ensure the understand the technique they have learnt. The skills I teach are those used by teachers and the preferred methods for examinations. I ensure that my students make the m...
My lessons consists of presentations where I explain and show the techniques in how a question should be approached and answered. I then with students make them explain to me how they would approach another question to ensure the understand the technique they have learnt. The skills I teach are those used by teachers and the preferred methods for examinations. I ensure that my students make the most of learning by providing them high quality exam materials and questions for homework. To ensure students are retaining information I ensure to do small tests so they continue to practise across the academic year.
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