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Dr. Himanshu P
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Dr. Himanshu P
Town/city/borough Kings Heath, Birmingham, Digbeth, Nechells, Saltley, Small Heath
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Dr. Himanshu P in a nutshell
I have been teaching English language and literature since 2005 and I have changed life of plenty of students by not only teaching English but also proving them the knowledge of the world and humanity. I have been nominated international innovative teacher 2018 by ISA. I also have received innovative teacher of the Tapi district in 2016. Many pupils have got bright results in IELTS taught by me....
I have been teaching English language and literature since 2005 and I have changed life of plenty of students by not only teaching English but also proving them the knowledge of the world and humanity. I have been nominated international innovative teacher 2018 by ISA. I also have received innovative teacher of the Tapi district in 2016. Many pupils have got bright results in IELTS taught by me. I am very good at grammar and composition.
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