The world has changed but one thing has not. Our commitment to your education remains strong.
It is challenging to work by yourself. You will miss your classmates, you will miss your teachers, you will miss your textbooks.
Remember you are not alone. We are here for you every step of the way.
You are smarter than you know, braver than you imagine and more determined than you realise. Every day...
The world has changed but one thing has not. Our commitment to your education remains strong.
It is challenging to work by yourself. You will miss your classmates, you will miss your teachers, you will miss your textbooks.
Remember you are not alone. We are here for you every step of the way.
You are smarter than you know, braver than you imagine and more determined than you realise. Every day, try to do a little bit better than you did yesterday.
I have a wealth of experience teaching different disciplines in various areas. Having studied Law has taught me these disciplines. I have gained a PhD in Law and can only cater to making Education fun as this is how we learn. It is important to smile along the way to success.
I have extensive experience of teaching in person as well as remotely. I am happy to cater for whichever method is suitable for the student - I often find that remote working has given students a chance to improve their knowledge with technology which it utmost important for the future.
I try various methods to see which is best for the students as everyone learns, works and remembers differently - from colours to charts to giving memorable examples. I will also not move on to something if something is not understood - first we will overcome the hurdle. I will provide fun quizzes and tests so when the real thing comes around it will just be like another lesson.