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Town/city/borough London, Brockley (Greater ), Catford, Crofton Park, Crystal Palace, Ladywell, Norwood
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Douglas in a nutshell
I have studied A-level Maths and Physics for three years in total, A-level Biology and Chemistry for two years and I completed all of A-level Further Maths in one year so I am very proficient in all of these subjects. I achieved an A* in Maths, and As in Biology, Chemistry and Physics in 2023 and am very likely to achieve A*s in Further Maths and Physics in 2024. I have lots of experience helping...
I have studied A-level Maths and Physics for three years in total, A-level Biology and Chemistry for two years and I completed all of A-level Further Maths in one year so I am very proficient in all of these subjects. I achieved an A* in Maths, and As in Biology, Chemistry and Physics in 2023 and am very likely to achieve A*s in Further Maths and Physics in 2024. I have lots of experience helping other students in my class and understanding how they think about questions which allows me to help you from the point of a fellow student who has previously helped others with the same topic which I feel is much more natural and important when helping current students. During Year 13 I underwent some mental struggle which meant I needed to take an extra year before going to university so I have a lot of experience dealing with mental stress and fatigue which allows me to be very understanding of a student currently studying these subjects, perhaps where more experienced tutors may not be able to guide you. If you choose me I promise to give you my absolute best and ensure you will learn at least one new concept or point every lesson you have with me. My online lessons will be engaging and allow you as a student to better understand how to answer certain types of questions and store that information in your brain to increase how quickly and easily you can answer these questions when under pressure in an exam. I have twice applied, unsuccessfuly yes, to Oxford and Imperial College London so I can give you a lot of information about the admissions processes of both to allow you to have a greater chance of receiving offers from these universities. If you would prefer in-person lessons then I am willing to travel to meet you, if you are interested then let me know and I can figure out how to reach you. I can also help with GCSE subjects such as History and Spanish since I achieved grade 9s in these subjects.
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