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1st class free
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Town/city/borough Ecclesall, Sheffield
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: Achieved a 2:1 in BSc Psychology at De Montfort University
Master's degree (M): I achieved a high 2:1 in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Sheffield Hallam University
Doctorate (studying): I am currently studying towards a PhD in Psychology at the university of Sheffield
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Dominic in a nutshell
As a teacher I like to make lessons engaging, interactive and fun for all students. I create a safe learning environments where students feel able to ask questions and discuss ideas. I communicate the key information and in a way that is based on teaching practice I have experienced through workshops and experience. I have previously volunteered at primary school to assist with teaching as well a...
As a teacher I like to make lessons engaging, interactive and fun for all students. I create a safe learning environments where students feel able to ask questions and discuss ideas. I communicate the key information and in a way that is based on teaching practice I have experienced through workshops and experience. I have previously volunteered at primary school to assist with teaching as well as participating in the Camp America programme and the Camp Thailand programme which involves teaching and looking after younger individuals.
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