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Dinuji Thathsarani
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Dinuji Thathsarani
Town/city/borough Reading, Caversham, Earley, Lower Earley, Sonning
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Dinuji Thathsarani in a nutshell
I offer engaging and personalized maths tutoring tailored to each student's needs. Here's what you can expect from my lessons:

Interactive Sessions: Lessons are designed to be interactive and fun, making maths enjoyable and easy to understand.

Tailored Approach: Each session is customized to target areas where your child needs the most help, ensuring effective learning.

Comprehensive Content:...
I offer engaging and personalized maths tutoring tailored to each student's needs. Here's what you can expect from my lessons:

Interactive Sessions: Lessons are designed to be interactive and fun, making maths enjoyable and easy to understand.

Tailored Approach: Each session is customized to target areas where your child needs the most help, ensuring effective learning.

Comprehensive Content: From basic arithmetic to more complex topics, I cover all primary school maths concepts, including preparation for the 11+ exams.

Practical Examples: I use real-life examples and practical problems to make learning relevant and interesting.

Regular Assessments: Regular quizzes and assessments help track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Experienced Tutor: With a strong background in maths and experience in tutoring young students, I know how to connect with children and make learning accessible.
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