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1st class free
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Town/city/borough Cardiff, Butetown Community, Castle Community, Grangetown Community, Leckwith
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree (studying): Computer Science
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Dhruvil in a nutshell
Since I've completed a 7-year training course in mental mathematics, my ways of thinking are different but more efficient. I try to tackle the same math problem in multiple ways, using the normal method and the different-but-more-efficient method, which makes it less likely for me to go wrong. I think the best way to learn is by teaching, which is why I have taught others a lot of the concepts th...
Since I've completed a 7-year training course in mental mathematics, my ways of thinking are different but more efficient. I try to tackle the same math problem in multiple ways, using the normal method and the different-but-more-efficient method, which makes it less likely for me to go wrong. I think the best way to learn is by teaching, which is why I have taught others a lot of the concepts that I have myself learnt, and I hope I can do the same with you. I remember getting an A* in Mathematics some years ago and being incredibly happy, and I hope to make you better so that you can achieve more and fulfill your true potential.
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