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Devapriya in a nutshell
I am graduate in mathematics who loves mathematics amd make others love the subject. If you don't like the subject or you can't understand the basics then don't worry about anything because I have also experienced these things and successfully cured from these because of my teacher. So I also want to become a tutor like my tracher who helps them to cure students fear and have them all support. I...
I am graduate in mathematics who loves mathematics amd make others love the subject. If you don't like the subject or you can't understand the basics then don't worry about anything because I have also experienced these things and successfully cured from these because of my teacher. So I also want to become a tutor like my tracher who helps them to cure students fear and have them all support. I have some teaching experiences in my mother land. I am trying to make mathematics simple and easier to students who have maths phobias. I try my level best to make them love the subject.
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