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1st class free
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Town/city/borough London, Acton (Greater ), Ealing (), East Acton, North Acton, Old Oak Common, Park Royal
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience Response time <strong>100%</strong> Response time 100%
Level of the lessons
Level of the lessons
Secondary school
University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
University Degree: Photography and Communication
Vocational Education and Training (VET): BTEC in Photography
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Derrick in a nutshell
My lessons are bespoke to every individuals needs and desires, from the beginner to the very advanced and incorporate all aspects of digital and analogue capture in 35mm and medium format. Through 30 years as a Professional Photographer i have all the craft any aspiring artist will need to further their own creative journey. I also have a deep understanding of the cultural context and philosoph...
My lessons are bespoke to every individuals needs and desires, from the beginner to the very advanced and incorporate all aspects of digital and analogue capture in 35mm and medium format. Through 30 years as a Professional Photographer i have all the craft any aspiring artist will need to further their own creative journey. I also have a deep understanding of the cultural context and philosophical magnitude of Photography / art in the modern world of now.
If one wanted to advance their studio prowess then we can set up a shoot in my studio and i can take you through various techniques with camera and lighting to develop your own style and way of seeing. Conversely if you wanted to gain more knowledge and awareness of street or landscape photography then we can do a field trip and i will be your guide and tutor within the world of reportage, street style an aspect of Photography very close to my heart and how i started my creative journey as a young boy. I also offer full post production tuition in Digital as well as Analogue photography, with my own darkroom to experiment in.
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