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Dentila Garipi
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Dentila Garipi
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Dentila Garipi in a nutshell
I try to integrate ICT tools in teaching and learning process.
Preparing lesson plan for students
Interactive and collaborative tools for learning process
My large experience in creating interesting online meeting using breakout rooms and different tools for collaboration.
I love teaching and i have a large expereiwnce in different kind of teaching in online and onsite; in groups and individu...
I try to integrate ICT tools in teaching and learning process.
Preparing lesson plan for students
Interactive and collaborative tools for learning process
My large experience in creating interesting online meeting using breakout rooms and different tools for collaboration.
I love teaching and i have a large expereiwnce in different kind of teaching in online and onsite; in groups and individually.
Dentila Garipi teaches here
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