I tailor lessons to meet employability teachings that are sector specific. This may include but not limited to, SIA, construction, facilities and retail. I cover a wide range of subject's such as CV Tailoring, Business & Customer Awareness, Mindset, Interview preparation and Mock and reading and writing comprehension and digital.
I apply a multifaceted approach utilising various methods, techniqu...
I tailor lessons to meet employability teachings that are sector specific. This may include but not limited to, SIA, construction, facilities and retail. I cover a wide range of subject's such as CV Tailoring, Business & Customer Awareness, Mindset, Interview preparation and Mock and reading and writing comprehension and digital.
I apply a multifaceted approach utilising various methods, techniques and tools. These are curriculum based and RAPPA.
Within employability, I have supported a range of learners from young people to adults and seniors. However, my experience does extend to mentoring within primary schools. I utilise power point presentations, Q&A, tests, games (neuro diverse), learning activities and quizzes to effectively convey and reflect key concepts, understanding and awareness of industry standards, behaviours and communication.
I foster a growth mindset towards teamworking and collaboration by providing 1-2-1 work, group sessions, online and or classroom based teaching. My method of teaching is holistic and bespoke. I address and prepare the student technical and soft skills for comprehensive development and real-world challenges.
Emphasising communication, problem-solving, flexibility and adaptability to actualising the learners aims and objectives, I provide ongoing
assessments, identifying any additional support required and or any barriers to progression and development, that may require specialised support.
My philosophy is that of a seed planter. When we cultivate and nurture the right mindset by addressing the root of an individual’s learning journey, interesys and needs, this encourages, facilitates and stimulates the necessary qualities and attributes for a learner to begin the process to blossom.
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