I have 20 years of experience, teaching English at high school. I teach S1 - S6 in Lanarkshire. As a part-time teacher, I have more time now to devote to tutoring.
I use tried and tested methods of teaching and tutoring, to ensure success at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.
With younger pupils, I focus on skills building, and split sessions into three activities, related to each other,...
I have 20 years of experience, teaching English at high school. I teach S1 - S6 in Lanarkshire. As a part-time teacher, I have more time now to devote to tutoring.
I use tried and tested methods of teaching and tutoring, to ensure success at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.
With younger pupils, I focus on skills building, and split sessions into three activities, related to each other, to ensure pace and engagement.
With National Qualification pupils, I have 20 years' experience teaching National 4, 5, Higher and Advanced Higher. I am also an SQA examination and folio marker in these levels.