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Town/city/borough Cambridge, Fen Ditton, Milton (shire), Roman Hill, Teversham, Trumpington
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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David in a nutshell
I will work with you to see the level you are at, and determine how to progress your knowledge from there. I use translators for my sessions, so we never get confused or stuck, no matter the language which is your native tongue. I will make the sessions as fun and relaxed as possible, so you can absorb information in a relaxed setting.
I will work with you to see the level you are at, and determine how to progress your knowledge from there. I use translators for my sessions, so we never get confused or stuck, no matter the language which is your native tongue. I will make the sessions as fun and relaxed as possible, so you can absorb information in a relaxed setting.
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