I think doing exam questions is key for GCSE is crucial You can learn a topic at school but it will come up in a different way or mixed in with other topics. After knowing over 40 papers off by heart I know which questions are popular and give the most marks. A lot are similar. We use felt tips, colour have music, hot chocolate. Anything to create a warm welcome space where no judgement is made...
I think doing exam questions is key for GCSE is crucial You can learn a topic at school but it will come up in a different way or mixed in with other topics. After knowing over 40 papers off by heart I know which questions are popular and give the most marks. A lot are similar. We use felt tips, colour have music, hot chocolate. Anything to create a warm welcome space where no judgement is made. I find the students who detest maths begin to relax and we develop strong relations. I am passionate and this comes through with my teaching. I have never had a student who has dropped out but continued all the way to the end sometimes 3 years or 3 months. I have fantastic references if wanted.