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Dan in a nutshell
I believe that we work harder on the things we love. So when we begin our lessons I will be looking to tailor the material we work on towards you as soon as possible. I want to find out about what music brought you to a guitar and which songs made you want to pick it up and join in.
I've seen this method engage even students as young as five years old, showing how powerful our connection to musi...
I believe that we work harder on the things we love. So when we begin our lessons I will be looking to tailor the material we work on towards you as soon as possible. I want to find out about what music brought you to a guitar and which songs made you want to pick it up and join in.
I've seen this method engage even students as young as five years old, showing how powerful our connection to music is and specifically the music we love. So why not utilise that to our advantage when it comes to learning!

There will of course be fundamental technical aspects to playing guitar that we will learn through proven source material from my five years of tutoring. But overall you can learn about most aspects of playing guitar through any song, so why not learn the songs you want!

Once we've established the basics then we're open to explore any contemporary genre that you wish to learn. I will also teach you how and where to find material to help you learn songs online. Meaning at some point you will have the abilities, source information, and passion to go on and teach yourself!
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