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Cyrus in a nutshell
Hi, I'm Cy.
Firstly, imma break it down nice and simple.

I'll ask you what your level of guitar knowledge is then ask you what you're into and then we go from there.

My goal is to get you playing what you want to play or at the very least, put you on the path to what you want to achieve

From melodic metal and rhythm to finger picked styles and blues. Heck, I can even get you started on Polyp...
Hi, I'm Cy.
Firstly, imma break it down nice and simple.

I'll ask you what your level of guitar knowledge is then ask you what you're into and then we go from there.

My goal is to get you playing what you want to play or at the very least, put you on the path to what you want to achieve

From melodic metal and rhythm to finger picked styles and blues. Heck, I can even get you started on Polyphia since that's what all the new kids like these days.

At the very least we'll always be starting with your musical notation knowledge, then chords, how to use chords and build sounds around them then into scales and modes if that's your sort of thing.
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