I finished my GCSES around a year ago now, I know that personally I don't think I would have passed physics without having a tutor there to help me go through it and explain everything to me, it increased my knowledge and now I want to pass on what I know to the next set of students who are taking there exams. I will follow the basics of GCSE physics, where I will cover Foundation and Higher Know...
I finished my GCSES around a year ago now, I know that personally I don't think I would have passed physics without having a tutor there to help me go through it and explain everything to me, it increased my knowledge and now I want to pass on what I know to the next set of students who are taking there exams. I will follow the basics of GCSE physics, where I will cover Foundation and Higher Knowledge over both Combined and Seperate Sciences on the basis of Physics. I like to have good communication with my students and will try my hardest to get them to a good grade
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