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verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Crystal in a nutshell
During my time as a Quality Audio Rater at top tech companies like Amazon, Uber, and Google in India, I successfully assisted clients and agents in achieving their English language goals, focusing on fluency and grammar development. Working with clients and agents from diverse backgrounds at these global companies allowed me to develop strong cultural awareness and adapt my teaching approach to i...
During my time as a Quality Audio Rater at top tech companies like Amazon, Uber, and Google in India, I successfully assisted clients and agents in achieving their English language goals, focusing on fluency and grammar development. Working with clients and agents from diverse backgrounds at these global companies allowed me to develop strong cultural awareness and adapt my teaching approach to individual needs. This experience is invaluable when catering to the unique learning styles and goals of online English learners . This experience not only equipped me with the skills to identify and address specific language needs, but it also ignited a passion for helping others achieve their English language goals. I believe in creating a supportive and encouraging environment where students feel comfortable making mistakes and actively participating. My lessons are interactive and engaging, incorporating multimedia resources and activities tailored to individual learning styles and interests. Whether you're looking to improve your conversational fluency for business or travel, or to prepare for standardized tests, I can design a personalized learning plan to help you reach your goals!! So what are you waiting for? Reach out for a friendly chat!!
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