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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Bachelor's Degree (studying): Law
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Crystal in a nutshell
I achieved an A in English, by developing my skills, and I’m hoping I can help other students develop their skills too, I know how difficult it is to pay attention or listen in class, it can be hard with a lot of distractions, which is why I feel i would be the best tutor for your child. It is my passion to help others, and I would help your child by grading work they have done within mark scheme...
I achieved an A in English, by developing my skills, and I’m hoping I can help other students develop their skills too, I know how difficult it is to pay attention or listen in class, it can be hard with a lot of distractions, which is why I feel i would be the best tutor for your child. It is my passion to help others, and I would help your child by grading work they have done within mark scheme guidelines (edexcel etc) and with the marks given can create a personalised plan, with a progress chart, to ensure they achieve the grades and goals they would like, by implementing changes to make sure they are giving it their all. It is a tough exam season, and so if there is anything that I can do to help I will, my rate is 15 an hour, and includes personalised PowerPoints for every session, mark schemes, progress charts so students can monitor their own progress 24/7 chat to help with certain exam questions (simplified advice) and regular chats with parents to ensure that I am giving a 100% satisfactory service, and regular updates on their child’s progress
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