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Cletus in a nutshell
My lessons are tailored to improve and sustain Biology teachings for secondary and tertiary education students. I use online learning and interactive platforms such as Zoom and Google meet to provide private lessons. I have five years experience as a Science teacher particularly Biology.

In the same vein, I offer comprehensive support and guidance to students for their assignments and projects....
My lessons are tailored to improve and sustain Biology teachings for secondary and tertiary education students. I use online learning and interactive platforms such as Zoom and Google meet to provide private lessons. I have five years experience as a Science teacher particularly Biology.

In the same vein, I offer comprehensive support and guidance to students for their assignments and projects. I have skills in the use of Computer software for the analysis of data and molecular docking. I can use Auto Vina for molecular docking. Also, I can use Python programming language to analyse data.

To buttress my competencies for Science subjects particularly Biology and Chemistry, I can use ChemDraw for the drawing of molecular structures and organisations.

With my years experience, I can teach Biology with dexterity. I can handle topics that will improve knowledge and skills in Biology including living and nonliving organisms, cells, taxonomy, organisation of life, osmosis, diffusion and homeostasis. Also, the parts of the body is a fascinating topic for improve knowledge.

I offer professional writing services especially projects, assignments and seminar. I can analyse data with dexterity using SPSS, MS Excel. Also, I can use Python programming language to analyse data and interpret it for effective decisions.

Look no further for your Science lessons particularly Biology. I offer comprehensive teaching and guidance for basic secondary and tertiary education students. I provide these lessons using online and interactive learning platforms such as Zoom and Google meet. It is all interactive learning tailored to meet individual needs. Contact me on WhatsApp +
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