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Town/city/borough Rainhill, Clock Face, Eccleston, St Helens, Thatto Heath, Whiston (Knowsley)
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Christine in a nutshell
I am patient and approachable tutor eager to inspire my students to learn and apply. I have experience both in business environments and in class from lower school to higher education. I acknowledge that knowing the topic you teach also means gaining respect. You will know that you’re more than in the hands of qualified educator willing to equip you with a balanced approach to learning and...
I am patient and approachable tutor eager to inspire my students to learn and apply. I have experience both in business environments and in class from lower school to higher education. I acknowledge that knowing the topic you teach also means gaining respect. You will know that you’re more than in the hands of qualified educator willing to equip you with a balanced approach to learning and exam strategies
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