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Chinedu Chukwuemeka
Chinedu Chukwuemeka
Town/city/borough Luton
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Chinedu Chukwuemeka in a nutshell
As a digital instructor with several years of experience, one on one teaching student on advanced usage of technology to implement smart system. I can also teach programming, python, and SQL. Using python to develop web-based application is basic day to day activity. Implementing analysis, python is my language tool to achieve projects. I am efficient in the usage of some analytical tools like pa...
As a digital instructor with several years of experience, one on one teaching student on advanced usage of technology to implement smart system. I can also teach programming, python, and SQL. Using python to develop web-based application is basic day to day activity. Implementing analysis, python is my language tool to achieve projects. I am efficient in the usage of some analytical tools like pandas, numpy etc.
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