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1st class free
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Town/city/borough Paddington, Kensington (London), Knightsbridge, Marble Arch, Mayfair, Notting Hill
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
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Chiara in a nutshell
Hi everyone ! I am Chiara, a native French speaker from Switzerland. I am very flexible in term of lessons and I will adapt to my students whether they are young children, teenagers or adults. For me, the most effective way to learn a language is to speak and not be afraid of making mistakes. It is also important to have fun and enjoy the lessons otherwise it won’t stick into your mind. I used to...
Hi everyone ! I am Chiara, a native French speaker from Switzerland. I am very flexible in term of lessons and I will adapt to my students whether they are young children, teenagers or adults. For me, the most effective way to learn a language is to speak and not be afraid of making mistakes. It is also important to have fun and enjoy the lessons otherwise it won’t stick into your mind. I used to tutor a few kids from my village in Switzerland when I was still living there. I also have a lot of experience with children so your kids will be in good hands. I am someone sociable and I will not stop until we get the results we want.
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