I have over 10 years experience tutoring mathematics. I use tried and tested resources that are rated outstanding. I am the founder of Cazoom maths - a subscription based maths worksheets website. I currently run an e-learning website for primary school children and teach.
My approach is simple. Fair, measured and patient. I do not point to the answer but rather instead point to signs to get to...
I have over 10 years experience tutoring mathematics. I use tried and tested resources that are rated outstanding. I am the founder of Cazoom maths - a subscription based maths worksheets website. I currently run an e-learning website for primary school children and teach.
My approach is simple. Fair, measured and patient. I do not point to the answer but rather instead point to signs to get to the answer.
I encourage children to ask really good questions when they get stuck as this is the foundation for academic success - brings able to enquire with good questions. Asking good questions helps to promote thinking and analytical skills.
I taught in London for three years at the same time school before starting a business in maths education - Cazoom Maths. I sold the business and now I run another e learning website focusing on primary education.
I enjoy teaching and learning as a career and have well over ten years experience. I have reviews and ratings on firsttutors dot co dot uk.
As a teacher I excel in classroom management. There really are t any “naughty” kids, only children that are not engaged with learning. Taking this learning-centred approach helps to foster a positive learning environment.
I have written a number of articles for Cazoom maths on the art of behaviour management. One of the points is to be genuine and your authentic self. The advice is aimed at other teachers who need help managing behaviour for positive learning.