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Charlotte in a nutshell
I have 12 years of experience running a touring theatre company for which I act and write as well as audition for and receive and critique scripts.
I also have a degree in English Literature and Theatre Studies with modules in modern European drama, Shakespeare and performance criticism.

I will cater our lessons according to your needs.

I you are interested in acting - let me know what you wo...
I have 12 years of experience running a touring theatre company for which I act and write as well as audition for and receive and critique scripts.
I also have a degree in English Literature and Theatre Studies with modules in modern European drama, Shakespeare and performance criticism.

I will cater our lessons according to your needs.

I you are interested in acting - let me know what you would like to work on. Do you have an audition for drama school coming up? If so we can work on your monologue -looking at connecting with the text, the journey of the character, the language the piece uses, the subtext, what's happened before and after and how this informs the performance. We can explore techniques for creating characters (e.g. Stanislavski, Laban Technique, animal approaches) and work on how to do a convincing accent (if required). We can also cover vocal technique and camera technique.

If you need help with essay writing (e.g. script/performance criticism/analysis) I can help you identify what elements to focus on, how to structure your argument and help you edit you essay for higher grades.

If you are writing a script I can advise on playwrighting structure, and give you lots of exercises to generate ideas and improve dialogue. We can also read your drafts together and come up with improvements as we go. I am also happy to do this for film/tv/radio scripts.
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