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Cathy hamill
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Cathy hamill
Town/city/borough Dundrum, Ballykinler, Ballynoe, Bloody Bridge, Bryansford, Castlewellan, Clough, Drumaroad, Maghera (Newry Mourne and Down), Magherasaul
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Cathy hamill in a nutshell
Good evening . When tutoring a student I have to find out what do they know . So this requires honesty on the students part . I then can plan . My style of tutoring is ‘ little by little . We work together . I test frequently either by oral questions , short paragraphs or longer style essay . I give robust feed back and together we look at how answers can be bettered so that you the studen...
Good evening . When tutoring a student I have to find out what do they know . So this requires honesty on the students part . I then can plan . My style of tutoring is ‘ little by little . We work together . I test frequently either by oral questions , short paragraphs or longer style essay . I give robust feed back and together we look at how answers can be bettered so that you the student can apply this the next time .
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