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Town/city/borough London
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
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Carlos in a nutshell
While teaching online comes with very limited options, I try and make them work, utilizing softwares that allow me to write and draw. To prevent any tension or awkwardness between us, I ask questions that help us engage with each other and, in that way, make the class not so awkward! It's always good to get along! Teaching is supposed to be fun and engaging enough to want to learn more about the...
While teaching online comes with very limited options, I try and make them work, utilizing softwares that allow me to write and draw. To prevent any tension or awkwardness between us, I ask questions that help us engage with each other and, in that way, make the class not so awkward! It's always good to get along! Teaching is supposed to be fun and engaging enough to want to learn more about the subject and I hope you can understand that after recieving tutoring from me!
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